Saturday, November 1, 2008

Essay on Population & Wealth of Nations

Ch. 1
-People need food to live
-Looking forward in life is the only way to find what you want in life
-Population increases in a geometrical ratio when unchecked
-Theory is confirmed by experiment
-Men & women must have passion for each other

-the dictate of nature and virtue seems to be an early attachment to one woman.
-Breaking up land causes agriculture to grow
-Population will never increase without sex
-Superior power cannot be checked without a vice.
-Propositions are unquestionable truths.

- hunting is the principal occupation in the rudest form on man
- European settlement accepted a simpler and civilized way of life where a woman raises five, or six, or more children
-Native Americans have less children because women are slaves and work through pregnancy, causing miscarriages
-War balances the population
-Food has to be rationed so it can be distributed to the growing population

-Good, healthy food necessary for living
-Large number of humans created from other people
-Population will double every 25 years.
- Servants living with families are put under more rules than those who get married
- The laborer who earns eighteen pence a day and lives with some degree of comfort as a single man, will hesitate a little before he divides that pittance among four or five, which seems to be but just sufficient for one.

Ch. 5
-population should be restricted to a certain amount
-food is a necessity
-lower class population must stay low or otherwise, it will burden the upper class
-parish law should be repealed
-Lower class will never be happy because they will always be poor

Ch 6.
-amount of land in economy=population growth
-population & amount of land is unevenly distributed
-population has no limit while amount of land does
-land is a powerful force
-food is a necessity
-wars should kill off population to balance them
-population will build back up

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