Sunday, October 19, 2008

Unit 1 Exam Outlines

1.Plato and Aristotle Outline
I. Introduction
a. Restate essay question
b. Brief summary of Plato & Aristotle historical significances

II. Plato
a. Background
b. Socrates's influence on his life
c. The Academy
e. The Republic

III. Aristotle
a. Background
b. Political Views
c. Scientific contributions
d. Lyceum
e. Ideas on rulers and subjects

IV. Comparison of Likeness and Differences
a. Social contributions
b. Political views
c. Global significances

V. Conclusion
a. Brief summary
b. Global Significance- Modern ideas


2. Enlightenment Outline

I. The Enlightenment
a. Followed the Scientific Revolution
b. Background - When, why it happened?
c. People questioning beliefs & beginning to break off from the Church

II. Scientific Revolution
a. Enlightenment followed this & was greatly influenced by this
b. Copernicus - heliocentric ideas(the sun not the earth was the center of the universe)
c. Discartes
d. Francis Bacon
d. Newton - Laws of Motion, discover gravity

III. Enlightenment
a. Originally began in France
b. Philosophers: Locke, Montesquieu, Rousseau, Voltaire
1. Locke- Life, liberty, property
2. Montesquieu- Separation of Powers
3. Rousseau- Social contract
4. Voltaire- Freedom of speech, separation of church and state, challenge
Catholic Church

IV. Conclusion - Global Significances
a. People began to question the Church & begin to finally break off from it
b. Influence the American & French Revolutions


3. The French Revolution Outline

I. The French Revolution
a. what was it?
b. Influenced by the Enlightenment-People begin to question monarch
c. Influenced by American Revolution- Monarchy government can be overthrown
d. King Louis XVI was monarch, he was very unpopular, people were starving while he was spending money extravagantly, tax people to pay off 7 Years War debt

II. The fight
a. Army vs. the People
b. Bastille Day
c. March of Versailles
d. Death of King Louis & Marie Antoinette- begin Reign of Terror

III. Global Significance
a. New ideas, different political views,more rights to the people
b. Influenced other revolts- Latin American Slave Revolt

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