Sunday, February 15, 2009

WWI Propaganda Poster

This WWI propaganda poster targets the people that hold jobs at plants. While promoting the idea of nationalism it also attempts to make the workers feel guilty. To honor their country by working at the plants but through NOT working, they are letting the country and the people down.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Wilson's Fourteen Points

Cartoon Interpretation
1. The editorial cartoon reveals the US during WWI. This picture portrays the European powers trying to recruit the U.S to join their cause in the war, they all want the United State’s support. However, the U.S has its hands tied behinds its back, and there is nothing the other countries can do. The man in the middle of the poster symbolizes Uncle Sam, he represents the U.S.

Wilson's 14 Points

1) Wilson implies that world peace is the key to preventing conflicts, and through this, the public would get along and resolve disagreements peacefully.

2) This would help because it is stated that there is freedom to travel over seas, despite the fact that a war is going on or not. This would bring happiness to the public because they can journey to other areas through crossing the seas.

3) The elimination of economic barriers so trade an occur more effectively between different countries. Because of this, peaceful bonds would be brought to thedifferent nations as it would bring them closer together.

4) It is conveyed that the national military will be lessened to the smallest amount possible, whilst still maintaining domestic safety, in order to protect the country. Through this, other countres will not be afraid of one another because of a large military again.

5) Point 5 states that when decisions are not biased, the happiness of the public will be greater and there will be peace. However, this is rarely possible, because it is of human nature to pick a certain side in situations and to judge others.

6)If people were taken out of Russia, many parts of the world would be quickly overpopulated. However, by cleaning the land that was once used in trench warfare, that land could be put to use and would not be put to waste anymore.
7) Belgium will first be evacuated and then be placed back together. This would help restore faith between nations as they have set laws that decide the government of the bonds with each other. The internation law will have a great flaw if this problem is not seen to.

8) The treaty should be followed through because only through this treaty will peace be spread across the nation. As soon as peace is restored, the nation will be able to perform more efficiently and in prosperity.

9) The territorial lines of Italy should be changed so that it will be fair to surrounding countries. In doing so, this will make Italy’s neighboring countries happy and will strengthen the nation’s bonds with one another.

10) The Austria- Hungarian people are not a danger to the world, and therefore this nation should be allowed free in so that they are able to live their lives independently. They should not be having the interference of other nations, and through this, war will be abstained.

11) Romania, Serbia, and Montenegro must be freed and Serbia should receive free access to the sea. This should help resolve the conflicts that these countries have with one another and peace will be restored.

12) Areas belonging to Turkey in the Ottoman Empire should receive a good soverighnty and be treated equally. Furthermore, all blockades must be eliminate so that free passage ways to so that they will be able to be accessed in and out of the provinces.

13) Polish territory is made a free state under international law to keep the peace. Poland must be given political, economical, and territorial freedom.

14) Something along the lines of a United Nations should be formed, so that different nations around the world will be able to meet and talk about world problems that are occurring. So that everything may stay at peace. Something like it is still in effect today.

14. In conclusion, all these points should keep all the nations in peace. This permit conflicts to be told to one another, so that these nations can resolve them peacefully, instead of determining the outcome through war. These points should be used to prevent war.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

The Great War Terms

1. u-boats
2. barbed wire
3. militarism
4. unrestricted submarine warfare
5. dog tag
6. dud
7. battle chow
8. enemy
9. AEF
10. trench warfar
11. war bread
12. C.O
13. assassination bomb
14. neutrality
15. machine gun
16. artillery
17. preparedness
18. shell shock
19. infantrystalemate
20. over the top
21. territorial integrity
22. mustard gas
23. submarine
24. bunker
25. homefront
26. airplane
27. powderkeg
28. invasion
29. no man's land
30. blimp
31. civies
32. trench mouth
33. alliances
34. mobilization
35. tank
1. Kaiser
2. krauts
3. basket case
4. red tape
5. corpse
6. limies
7. Gen. Blackjack Pershing
8. cavalry
9. Wilson
10. totalitarian
11. amputee
12. air ace
13. pacifist
14. draftee
15. the Red Baron
16. Huns
17. Czar
1. Rape of Belgium
2. balance of power
3. war industries board
4. Espionage and Sedition Act
5. Lusitania
6. war revenue act
7. armistice
1. syphilis
2. French Kiss
1. goldbrick
2. slacker
3. wheatless mondays
4. doughboys
5. cooties
6. furlough
7. meatless tuesday
8. swabby
9. Porkless Saturday
10. M.P
11. lousy
12. liberty cabbage
13. K.P
1. peace
2. sacrifice
3. "oui, oui, marie"
4. propaganda
5. liberty steak
6. French postcards
7. "over there"
8. patriotism
9. democracy
10. liberty bonds
11. bravery
12. "I didn't raise my boy to be a soldier"
13. liberty
14. self-determination
15. khaki
16. nationalism
17. war bonds

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand

1. In the text, it states that a bomb was used in order to kill the archduke but in the movie, a single assassin kills the archduke and his wife with a gun.

2. In the reading, news of the plot to murder the archduke spread to the Austrian government, but however, it reached Dr. von Bilinski, a man who did not happened to like the archduke. In the video, information regarding the plot was held a secret until the day that the murder happened.

3. In the document, it is stated that Princip celebrating the presumed success with a cup of coffee. This differs to the video's story because in the video, it is revealed that Princip was buying a sandwich after learning about the failure to the murder.

4. In the reading, Count Harnack, an aide jumped in front of the archduke while he was in the car to protect him. Archduke Francis Ferdinand is not grateful for that and yells “Don’t make a fool of yourself.” In the video on the other hand, the archduke is appreciative for the Count Harnack’s actions although it does not even save him from death.

5. In the reading, it is portrayed that Princip wanted to kill both General Potiorek and the archduke; he states that Sophie was collateral damage. This situation differs from that of the video’s, because in the video, Princip pursues the Archduke and his wife Sophie.

This picture displays an artist's interpretation of Archduke Franz Ferdinand's assassination. This image reveals how the guards of the archduke do not even attempt to save him, they merely just stand there, such as how the guard in the lower left hand corner is acting.