1. The Enclosure Movement eventually led to the growth of cities because rich land owners kicked poor farmers off their land so the richer could grow more crops and make more money. The poor farmers migrated to the cities looking for jobs in factories and they became the labor force.
2. Mass society changed society by giving the lower and middle classes more power. Politicians of the time realized that since most of the population was made up of lower and middle classes, and in order to receive votes, their rules had to comply and be in favor with the lower classes, and this gave the middle and lower classes more power. Means of production also depended on the working class, and if the lower class didn’t work, the economy would fail.
3. After slavery was abolished in 1809 through the 13th amendment, a lot more jobs were available. However, the workers in the factories had horrible working conditions and little pay. Labor unions were created and people that joined these unions protested and went on strikes. When many people began immigrating to America from Ireland and Germany, the new immigrants also joined these labor unions. This created larger and much more powerful labor unions, and the government finally gave in to give the workers more money and better working conditions.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Obama's Cabinet Positions
1.Treasury- Bill Clinton. During his two terms as president, the economy was thriving. Stocks were up, minimum wage was raised, and he provided government jobs for the jobless. His work done during his presidency clearly reveals his ability to manage money. Therefore, Bill Clinton should be put as treasurer if America would like to return to its former economic glory.
2. Defense- John McCain. I believe that John McCain should be put in charge of Defense because his years of experience as a soldier in the Vietnam War. McCain obviously has experienced war; he knows the dangers and traumas of it. His knows tactics of war, and with his knowledge, he can help America win in Iraq.
3. Energy- I think that Dan Reicher should be selected to be hold the cabinet position of energy. Dan Reicher has been trying to find an alternative fuel that Americans can use. In the near future, America can not function on foreign oil and it will run out soon anyways. He even has twenty years of experience with working with energy technology. Reicher was Assistant Secretary of Energy for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy at the U.S. Department of Energy. Reicher cares about the environment and has invested 1 billion dollars towards the energy cause. Reicher is the perfect candidate to run for this position
4. Homeland Security- Janet Napolitano. Napolitano is known as one of the best governors in the US. She would know a lot about protecting out country. She will always try her best to establish what she thinks is right. With the experience of being a former governor, she should know how to make the best choices for out country.
5. Education- Joel Klein. I think that Klein should be appointed to be in charge of the cabinet of education. Being New York City’s chancellor of their department of education, he must have experience with the education system. New York City has the largest public school system, so he must have a lot of wisdom when working with the education department. He even has past experience with the government because he was once Assistant Attorney General of the U.S.
2. Defense- John McCain. I believe that John McCain should be put in charge of Defense because his years of experience as a soldier in the Vietnam War. McCain obviously has experienced war; he knows the dangers and traumas of it. His knows tactics of war, and with his knowledge, he can help America win in Iraq.
3. Energy- I think that Dan Reicher should be selected to be hold the cabinet position of energy. Dan Reicher has been trying to find an alternative fuel that Americans can use. In the near future, America can not function on foreign oil and it will run out soon anyways. He even has twenty years of experience with working with energy technology. Reicher was Assistant Secretary of Energy for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy at the U.S. Department of Energy. Reicher cares about the environment and has invested 1 billion dollars towards the energy cause. Reicher is the perfect candidate to run for this position
4. Homeland Security- Janet Napolitano. Napolitano is known as one of the best governors in the US. She would know a lot about protecting out country. She will always try her best to establish what she thinks is right. With the experience of being a former governor, she should know how to make the best choices for out country.
5. Education- Joel Klein. I think that Klein should be appointed to be in charge of the cabinet of education. Being New York City’s chancellor of their department of education, he must have experience with the education system. New York City has the largest public school system, so he must have a lot of wisdom when working with the education department. He even has past experience with the government because he was once Assistant Attorney General of the U.S.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Working Conditions during the Industrial Revolution
1. The Sadler Committee provided evidence that led to the Factory Acts of 1833. They revealed evidence of young children who were forced to work long hours in dangerous conditions. One child told the Sadler Committee stated that he was paid less than the other workers were given in the textile factories. Another case involved a boy who had worked in the factories from age 8 and he was then 22 years old. He worked fourteen to sixteen hours a day, starting at five in the morning. He had to walk to and from work, which was two miles away, and if he was late, he would be beaten. He was expected to work as quick as a machine and if he did not, he was also beaten. Finally, when he came home, he had to cook. In another case, a young girl, Elizabeth was an eight year old child. She worked from twelve to fifteen hours with only a forty minute break. If she didn’t work fast enough, she was also beaten. Peter Smart was another child whose overseer made his workers work nineteen hour days while the parents were paid for the children’s work.
2. Chadwick’s Report on Sanitary Conditions, I believe, was the most influential piece of evidence in the making of the Factory Acts. when people moved from their farms to the city, there were diseases and famine. They were infected with cholera and rickets due to their dirty living conditions and contaminated food and water. However, the upper class were not as greatly affected by disease because they were able to afford plumbing and did not live in such small and crowded apartments. The upper class’s lives were much more hygienic than the lower classes also. In the second part of the Report, the immune systems of the young population was unable to fight disease because their body had not created antibodies for the disease yet so the young people were sick allot. Because there was nothing to treat disease, the diseases spread like wildfire. Everyone was poor and and their was always trash on the streets, this also started disease. The water that people used was contaminated because the only the rich could afford clean water. The contaminated water brought cholera and other disease.
2. Chadwick’s Report on Sanitary Conditions, I believe, was the most influential piece of evidence in the making of the Factory Acts. when people moved from their farms to the city, there were diseases and famine. They were infected with cholera and rickets due to their dirty living conditions and contaminated food and water. However, the upper class were not as greatly affected by disease because they were able to afford plumbing and did not live in such small and crowded apartments. The upper class’s lives were much more hygienic than the lower classes also. In the second part of the Report, the immune systems of the young population was unable to fight disease because their body had not created antibodies for the disease yet so the young people were sick allot. Because there was nothing to treat disease, the diseases spread like wildfire. Everyone was poor and and their was always trash on the streets, this also started disease. The water that people used was contaminated because the only the rich could afford clean water. The contaminated water brought cholera and other disease.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Essay on Population & Wealth of Nations
Ch. 1
-People need food to live
-Looking forward in life is the only way to find what you want in life
-Population increases in a geometrical ratio when unchecked
-Theory is confirmed by experiment
-Men & women must have passion for each other
-the dictate of nature and virtue seems to be an early attachment to one woman.
-Breaking up land causes agriculture to grow
-Population will never increase without sex
-Superior power cannot be checked without a vice.
-Propositions are unquestionable truths.
- hunting is the principal occupation in the rudest form on man
- European settlement accepted a simpler and civilized way of life where a woman raises five, or six, or more children
-Native Americans have less children because women are slaves and work through pregnancy, causing miscarriages
-War balances the population
-Food has to be rationed so it can be distributed to the growing population
-Good, healthy food necessary for living
-Large number of humans created from other people
-Population will double every 25 years.
- Servants living with families are put under more rules than those who get married
- The laborer who earns eighteen pence a day and lives with some degree of comfort as a single man, will hesitate a little before he divides that pittance among four or five, which seems to be but just sufficient for one.
Ch. 5
-population should be restricted to a certain amount
-food is a necessity
-lower class population must stay low or otherwise, it will burden the upper class
-parish law should be repealed
-Lower class will never be happy because they will always be poor
Ch 6.
-amount of land in economy=population growth
-population & amount of land is unevenly distributed
-population has no limit while amount of land does
-land is a powerful force
-food is a necessity
-wars should kill off population to balance them
-population will build back up
-People need food to live
-Looking forward in life is the only way to find what you want in life
-Population increases in a geometrical ratio when unchecked
-Theory is confirmed by experiment
-Men & women must have passion for each other
-the dictate of nature and virtue seems to be an early attachment to one woman.
-Breaking up land causes agriculture to grow
-Population will never increase without sex
-Superior power cannot be checked without a vice.
-Propositions are unquestionable truths.
- hunting is the principal occupation in the rudest form on man
- European settlement accepted a simpler and civilized way of life where a woman raises five, or six, or more children
-Native Americans have less children because women are slaves and work through pregnancy, causing miscarriages
-War balances the population
-Food has to be rationed so it can be distributed to the growing population
-Good, healthy food necessary for living
-Large number of humans created from other people
-Population will double every 25 years.
- Servants living with families are put under more rules than those who get married
- The laborer who earns eighteen pence a day and lives with some degree of comfort as a single man, will hesitate a little before he divides that pittance among four or five, which seems to be but just sufficient for one.
Ch. 5
-population should be restricted to a certain amount
-food is a necessity
-lower class population must stay low or otherwise, it will burden the upper class
-parish law should be repealed
-Lower class will never be happy because they will always be poor
Ch 6.
-amount of land in economy=population growth
-population & amount of land is unevenly distributed
-population has no limit while amount of land does
-land is a powerful force
-food is a necessity
-wars should kill off population to balance them
-population will build back up
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Unit 1 Exam Outlines
1.Plato and Aristotle Outline
I. Introduction
a. Restate essay question
b. Brief summary of Plato & Aristotle historical significances
II. Plato
a. Background
b. Socrates's influence on his life
c. The Academy
e. The Republic
III. Aristotle
a. Background
b. Political Views
c. Scientific contributions
d. Lyceum
e. Ideas on rulers and subjects
IV. Comparison of Likeness and Differences
a. Social contributions
b. Political views
c. Global significances
V. Conclusion
a. Brief summary
b. Global Significance- Modern ideas
2. Enlightenment Outline
I. The Enlightenment
a. Followed the Scientific Revolution
b. Background - When, why it happened?
c. People questioning beliefs & beginning to break off from the Church
II. Scientific Revolution
a. Enlightenment followed this & was greatly influenced by this
b. Copernicus - heliocentric ideas(the sun not the earth was the center of the universe)
c. Discartes
d. Francis Bacon
d. Newton - Laws of Motion, discover gravity
III. Enlightenment
a. Originally began in France
b. Philosophers: Locke, Montesquieu, Rousseau, Voltaire
1. Locke- Life, liberty, property
2. Montesquieu- Separation of Powers
3. Rousseau- Social contract
4. Voltaire- Freedom of speech, separation of church and state, challenge
Catholic Church
IV. Conclusion - Global Significances
a. People began to question the Church & begin to finally break off from it
b. Influence the American & French Revolutions
3. The French Revolution Outline
I. The French Revolution
a. what was it?
b. Influenced by the Enlightenment-People begin to question monarch
c. Influenced by American Revolution- Monarchy government can be overthrown
d. King Louis XVI was monarch, he was very unpopular, people were starving while he was spending money extravagantly, tax people to pay off 7 Years War debt
II. The fight
a. Army vs. the People
b. Bastille Day
c. March of Versailles
d. Death of King Louis & Marie Antoinette- begin Reign of Terror
III. Global Significance
a. New ideas, different political views,more rights to the people
b. Influenced other revolts- Latin American Slave Revolt
I. Introduction
a. Restate essay question
b. Brief summary of Plato & Aristotle historical significances
II. Plato
a. Background
b. Socrates's influence on his life
c. The Academy
e. The Republic
III. Aristotle
a. Background
b. Political Views
c. Scientific contributions
d. Lyceum
e. Ideas on rulers and subjects
IV. Comparison of Likeness and Differences
a. Social contributions
b. Political views
c. Global significances
V. Conclusion
a. Brief summary
b. Global Significance- Modern ideas
2. Enlightenment Outline
I. The Enlightenment
a. Followed the Scientific Revolution
b. Background - When, why it happened?
c. People questioning beliefs & beginning to break off from the Church
II. Scientific Revolution
a. Enlightenment followed this & was greatly influenced by this
b. Copernicus - heliocentric ideas(the sun not the earth was the center of the universe)
c. Discartes
d. Francis Bacon
d. Newton - Laws of Motion, discover gravity
III. Enlightenment
a. Originally began in France
b. Philosophers: Locke, Montesquieu, Rousseau, Voltaire
1. Locke- Life, liberty, property
2. Montesquieu- Separation of Powers
3. Rousseau- Social contract
4. Voltaire- Freedom of speech, separation of church and state, challenge
Catholic Church
IV. Conclusion - Global Significances
a. People began to question the Church & begin to finally break off from it
b. Influence the American & French Revolutions
3. The French Revolution Outline
I. The French Revolution
a. what was it?
b. Influenced by the Enlightenment-People begin to question monarch
c. Influenced by American Revolution- Monarchy government can be overthrown
d. King Louis XVI was monarch, he was very unpopular, people were starving while he was spending money extravagantly, tax people to pay off 7 Years War debt
II. The fight
a. Army vs. the People
b. Bastille Day
c. March of Versailles
d. Death of King Louis & Marie Antoinette- begin Reign of Terror
III. Global Significance
a. New ideas, different political views,more rights to the people
b. Influenced other revolts- Latin American Slave Revolt
Message to the Congress of Angostura
1. Bolivar states that the Latin American people deserved independence because they were stripped from their rights and freedom before. "We are disputing with the natives for titles of ownership, and at the same time we are struggling to maintain ourselves in the country that gave us birth against the opposition of the invaders." In this quote, it is established that people should all have the same rights. When he states, "We have been ruled more by deceit than by force, and we have been degraded more by vice than by superstition.", Bolivar is describing the dishonesty the Latin America people received from the unfair government.
2.Bolivar explains that the Latin American people’s way of life will never change and they will never receive freedom if they attempt to do nothing about it. He states that they will continue to live in an unfair society and will not get any rights unless something is done. His feelings are revealed in the quote “Unless this is done we will have to reckon with ungovernable, tumultuous, and anarchic society, not with a social order where happiness, peace and justice prevail".
3. Bolivar states, "Give Venezuela such an executive power in the person of a president chosen by the people or their representatives, and you will have taken a great step toward national happiness. No matter what citizen occupies this office, he will be aided by the Constitution, and therein being authorized to do good, he can do no harm, because his ministers will cooperate with him only insofar as he abides by the law. If he attempts to infringe upon the law, his own ministers will desert him, thereby isolating him from the Republic, and they will even bring charges against him in the Senate.” In this quote, Bolivar clearly establishes that if the Venezuelan people are given more power in their government, the country will be much happier. The leader will be picked by the country, however, the leader must follow the rules as it is outlined in the constitution or the leader will be punished for his/her wrongful actions.
4."Slavery is the daughter of darkness: an ignorant people is a blind instrument of its own destruction. Ambition and intrigue abuses the credulity and experience of men lacking all political, economic, and civic knowledge; they adopt pure illusion as reality; they take license for liberty, treachery for patriotism, and vengeance for justice." In this passage, Bolivar states that people who are prevented from governing themselves grow to be dependent on others. Because they are entirely dependent on others, this takes away peoples rights and any say in the government. Their view of the world would be very different because they would believe that not having any say in the government was the normal way of life.
2.Bolivar explains that the Latin American people’s way of life will never change and they will never receive freedom if they attempt to do nothing about it. He states that they will continue to live in an unfair society and will not get any rights unless something is done. His feelings are revealed in the quote “Unless this is done we will have to reckon with ungovernable, tumultuous, and anarchic society, not with a social order where happiness, peace and justice prevail".
3. Bolivar states, "Give Venezuela such an executive power in the person of a president chosen by the people or their representatives, and you will have taken a great step toward national happiness. No matter what citizen occupies this office, he will be aided by the Constitution, and therein being authorized to do good, he can do no harm, because his ministers will cooperate with him only insofar as he abides by the law. If he attempts to infringe upon the law, his own ministers will desert him, thereby isolating him from the Republic, and they will even bring charges against him in the Senate.” In this quote, Bolivar clearly establishes that if the Venezuelan people are given more power in their government, the country will be much happier. The leader will be picked by the country, however, the leader must follow the rules as it is outlined in the constitution or the leader will be punished for his/her wrongful actions.
4."Slavery is the daughter of darkness: an ignorant people is a blind instrument of its own destruction. Ambition and intrigue abuses the credulity and experience of men lacking all political, economic, and civic knowledge; they adopt pure illusion as reality; they take license for liberty, treachery for patriotism, and vengeance for justice." In this passage, Bolivar states that people who are prevented from governing themselves grow to be dependent on others. Because they are entirely dependent on others, this takes away peoples rights and any say in the government. Their view of the world would be very different because they would believe that not having any say in the government was the normal way of life.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Declaration of the Rights of Man

1. All men are born equal. Any social distinctions will only be made through the person's virtues.
2. The goal of all political association is to carryout human's natural rights, rights are liberty, property, security, and resistance to tyranny.
3. All rules of the nation can only come from the nation itself. No one can exercise any authority that does not come from the nation.
4. The exercise of one’s natural rights is only limited to when it interferes with another’s natural rights. These limits are revealed through the laws.
5. Laws only have power to prohibit actions harmful to society. No one is forced to do anything that is not outlined in laws.
6. Every citizen is allowed to participate through some way in society, whether it is through a representative or personally. Every person is permissible to hold any public positions or jobs, depending only by their ability and talents.
7. No one will be arrested, accused, or imprisoned, except when it is done through what is defined in the law. Anybody soliciting, transmitting, murdering, or causing to be murdered will be punished.
8. Laws only punish if it is necessary. One will not be punished unless one does not follow as it is outlined in the laws.
9. Everyone is innocent until proven guilty.
10. One will not be judged based on one’s opinions, such as religious views, however, this is only valid if one’s expressions do not disturb public order, as it is provided in the laws.
11. One of man’s most important rights is the communication of ideas and opinions. Everyone is allowed to speak, write, and print with freedom, but this freedom is limited by what is defined in the laws.
12. Military forces are established to protect the rights of man, not to favor the rights of who intrusts them.
13. Payment is required to maintain public utilities and the administration. The amount each person is required to give will be proportional to their earnings.
14. All people have a say in their government, whether it is through a representative or personally.
15. Society maintains the right to ask every public agent an account of his administration.
16. A society where no one obeys laws and the separation of powers is undefined has no constitution.
17. Right of property is a sacred and unchallengeable right. Therefore, no one will be deprived of property unless public necessity demands it, and this can only be executed through legal processes. Property owners will be reimbursed after the loss of property.
When looking at this picture, I think of freedom and independence. The angels surrounding the document represent good and great change. The Declaration of the Rights of Man reminds me of America's Declaration of Independence. The two documents are similar because they both serve as the basis of society for two different groups of people.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
“Common Sense” by Thomas Paine
1.) "In short, monarchy and succession have laid (not this or that kingdom only) but the world in blood and ashes. 'Tis a form of government which the word of God bears testimony against, and blood will attend it. "
-This quote influenced the American colonists for several reasons. In this quote, Paine speaks of how the English monarchy feels toward the colonies. The monarchy does not care for the new colonies and leaves them in the "ashes", but nevertheless, they tax the colonists heavily. When Pain mentions blood, it is implied that he believes the only way to end the English monarchy’s rule is war.
2.) "First.- The remains of monarchical tyranny in the person of the king. Secondly.- The remains of aristocratical tyranny in the persons of the peers. Thirdly.- The new republican materials, in the persons of the commons, on whose virtue depends the freedom of England."
-This quote affected the American colonists for the reason that it established the idea that the English monarchy did not care for the American colonists. It is made clear that the colonists are not free because of their ruler who is thousands of miles away, England.
3.) "Let each colony be divided into six, eight, or ten, convenient districts, each district to send a proper number of delegates to congress, so that each colony send at least thirty. The whole number in congress will be at least three hundred ninety. Each congress to sit..... and to choose a president by the following method. When the delegates are met, let a colony be taken from the whole thirteen colonies by lot, after which let the whole congress choose (by ballot) a president from out of the delegates of that province. I the next Congress, let a colony be taken by lot from twelve only, omitting that colony from which the president was taken in the former congress, and so proceeding on till the whole thirteen shall have had their proper rotation. And in order that nothing may pass into a law but what is satisfactorily just, not less than three fifths of the congress to be called a majority. He that will promote discord, under a government so equally formed as this, would join Lucifer in his revolt."
-In this quote, Paine states that colonists should have a certain number of delegates for each district of land. The delegates would then vote for a president and that the laws of the land will pass through the delegates. Through this passage, Paine writes of a government system that the colonists should have. This quote impacted the colonists because the government they established is very similar to Paine’s ideas.
-This quote influenced the American colonists for several reasons. In this quote, Paine speaks of how the English monarchy feels toward the colonies. The monarchy does not care for the new colonies and leaves them in the "ashes", but nevertheless, they tax the colonists heavily. When Pain mentions blood, it is implied that he believes the only way to end the English monarchy’s rule is war.
2.) "First.- The remains of monarchical tyranny in the person of the king. Secondly.- The remains of aristocratical tyranny in the persons of the peers. Thirdly.- The new republican materials, in the persons of the commons, on whose virtue depends the freedom of England."
-This quote affected the American colonists for the reason that it established the idea that the English monarchy did not care for the American colonists. It is made clear that the colonists are not free because of their ruler who is thousands of miles away, England.
3.) "Let each colony be divided into six, eight, or ten, convenient districts, each district to send a proper number of delegates to congress, so that each colony send at least thirty. The whole number in congress will be at least three hundred ninety. Each congress to sit..... and to choose a president by the following method. When the delegates are met, let a colony be taken from the whole thirteen colonies by lot, after which let the whole congress choose (by ballot) a president from out of the delegates of that province. I the next Congress, let a colony be taken by lot from twelve only, omitting that colony from which the president was taken in the former congress, and so proceeding on till the whole thirteen shall have had their proper rotation. And in order that nothing may pass into a law but what is satisfactorily just, not less than three fifths of the congress to be called a majority. He that will promote discord, under a government so equally formed as this, would join Lucifer in his revolt."
-In this quote, Paine states that colonists should have a certain number of delegates for each district of land. The delegates would then vote for a president and that the laws of the land will pass through the delegates. Through this passage, Paine writes of a government system that the colonists should have. This quote impacted the colonists because the government they established is very similar to Paine’s ideas.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
What is Englightenment?
1. When Kant speaks of "Freedom" he means that one can only reach it when one is able to choose one's own decisions. He states that one will be free when one is not following the commands of another.
2.He feels that freedom is essential to enlightenment because one must be allowed to make one's own choices. One must free one's mind, free oneself from immaturity, and pursue one's path. Enlightenment requires freedom because one "must make public use of his reason in all matters".
3. People can become enlightened when they are no longer immature. People must not depend on others and people follow their own paths.
4. Kant relates enlightenment to politics by stating this is the "age is the age of enlightenment, the century of Frederick."
2.He feels that freedom is essential to enlightenment because one must be allowed to make one's own choices. One must free one's mind, free oneself from immaturity, and pursue one's path. Enlightenment requires freedom because one "must make public use of his reason in all matters".
3. People can become enlightened when they are no longer immature. People must not depend on others and people follow their own paths.
4. Kant relates enlightenment to politics by stating this is the "age is the age of enlightenment, the century of Frederick."
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Pericles Funeral Oration
1. Pericles felt that Athens was great because of their form of government, a Democracy. He states that the Democracy put power in the hands of the whole people rather than a few.
2. Pericles states that Athens's Democracy serves as a model for other city states.
3. In Pericles's description of Athens, Pericles only speaks of Athens's greatness. He does not even mention any flaws that Athens has.
2. Pericles states that Athens's Democracy serves as a model for other city states.
3. In Pericles's description of Athens, Pericles only speaks of Athens's greatness. He does not even mention any flaws that Athens has.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Offices of the Roman Republic
Consuls were the leaders of Roman provinces. There were two in power at a time, a plebian and a patrician. They had power of the senate and therefore they had authority over laws and Roman life. Consuls were also in control over the military. The American president is head of the state and is military in chief. There is only one president in power at a time. The president appoints ambassadors and meets with foreign leaders. The president also has power to veto any bills.
The Questors of the Roman Republic differ to the House of Representatives in many ways. First off, the Questors were originally appointed to look into criminal acts while the House of Representatives have sole power of impeachment. The House of Representatives gather evidence of any wrong doing in any of the three branches and turn information to the Senate. Questors were elected yearly by Comitia Tributa while members of the House of Representatives are elected every two years by the state they represent. By 276 BC, there were four Questers and there are currently 435 members in the House of Representatives.
The Roman Republic’s Senate was very different to America’s current Senate. There are 100 total members in the American Senate while there were 600 in the Roman Republic’s. Another huge difference in both is that the Rome’s Senate was solely made of males whereas America’s Senate is consisted of men and women.
The Questors of the Roman Republic differ to the House of Representatives in many ways. First off, the Questors were originally appointed to look into criminal acts while the House of Representatives have sole power of impeachment. The House of Representatives gather evidence of any wrong doing in any of the three branches and turn information to the Senate. Questors were elected yearly by Comitia Tributa while members of the House of Representatives are elected every two years by the state they represent. By 276 BC, there were four Questers and there are currently 435 members in the House of Representatives.
The Roman Republic’s Senate was very different to America’s current Senate. There are 100 total members in the American Senate while there were 600 in the Roman Republic’s. Another huge difference in both is that the Rome’s Senate was solely made of males whereas America’s Senate is consisted of men and women.
Friday, September 5, 2008
Plato & Aristotle Notes
-very well educated
- mother married Pericles
-well educated
-created 1st university(Athens Academy)
-wrote dialogues
-invent concept of Hell, it was adapted by Christians
-come up with the story of Atlantis
-Write Symposium (love),The Laws(laws of humans), Apolgy(Socrates death speech), Atlantis(lost city)
-Socrates believed people were in control of their own destiny, not the Gods
-heavily influenced by Socrates
-3 class:
1. rational(upper class)
2. spirited(not rational/happy)
3. lower class(desiring)
-all 3 classes balanced each other out
-upper class got education because they could afford it
-upper class ruled
-classes defined by education
-father= king's doctor
-enrolled at Athen's Academy at 17
-became a teacher there
-couldnt go home after Plato's death because his hometown was trashed by Mesadonians
-After Plato's death, he went to minor Asia and mrried the king's niece
-after the king died, he went to Pella
-he made close friends with the Macedonian king and the king asked him to tutor his son Alexander the Great
-he started his own school Lyceum
-spent his last years away from school in a private estate
-his idea that earth was the center of the universe was wrong
-Copernicuse then revealed that the sun was the center
-5 elemens= earth/wind/fire/ air/water
-he thought that the denser object fell first(wrong)
-Galileo prove that objects any size both fall at the same rate
-believed there was no evolution
-very well educated
- mother married Pericles
-well educated
-created 1st university(Athens Academy)
-wrote dialogues
-invent concept of Hell, it was adapted by Christians
-come up with the story of Atlantis
-Write Symposium (love),The Laws(laws of humans), Apolgy(Socrates death speech), Atlantis(lost city)
-Socrates believed people were in control of their own destiny, not the Gods
-heavily influenced by Socrates
-3 class:
1. rational(upper class)
2. spirited(not rational/happy)
3. lower class(desiring)
-all 3 classes balanced each other out
-upper class got education because they could afford it
-upper class ruled
-classes defined by education
-father= king's doctor
-enrolled at Athen's Academy at 17
-became a teacher there
-couldnt go home after Plato's death because his hometown was trashed by Mesadonians
-After Plato's death, he went to minor Asia and mrried the king's niece
-after the king died, he went to Pella
-he made close friends with the Macedonian king and the king asked him to tutor his son Alexander the Great
-he started his own school Lyceum
-spent his last years away from school in a private estate
-his idea that earth was the center of the universe was wrong
-Copernicuse then revealed that the sun was the center
-5 elemens= earth/wind/fire/ air/water
-he thought that the denser object fell first(wrong)
-Galileo prove that objects any size both fall at the same rate
-believed there was no evolution
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