Saturday, January 3, 2009

The White Man's Burden

1. The term “White Man’s Burden”, according to Kipling is the burden that the white man has: to educate and to improve the lives of the natives. Furthermore, Kipling believes that the white men have an obligation to care, lead, and to civilize the natives.

2. Kipling justifies imperialism of the Philippines by saying that it is for the better; they are educating the "savages and half devil, half children" about good virtues and morals. Kipling states, "The savage wars of peace--/Fill full the mouth of Famine,/And bid the sickness cease", this reveals that he believes the white man are bringing a more content and healthier living style to the less fortunate.

3. This justification would be appealing because the white man believed that the task that they were taking on was a burden for them. The white people used this as an excuse to spread their ideas of imperialism to the world.

4. Religion was used as justification because the white man thought that changing the native’s ways of life was the right thing to do. Furthermore, the religion was used as a justification over money, capitalism, and the greater good and political strength because many people was for it. These ideas also went hand in hand with the government’s views.

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